Datum: 22.-23. Februar 2024
Venue: WU Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Beata Javorcik (EBRD / U. Oxford), Slides
Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Robin Sogalla for „Unilateral Climate Policy and Heterogenous firms“
Young Economist Award:
Dorothee Hillrichs for „The geography of income and export patterns“
Datum: 23.-24. Februar 2023
Venue: WU Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Yoto V. Yotov (Drexel U. / ifo institute)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Catherine Fuss, Lorenzo Trimarchi, Daniele Verdini for „The Anticompetitive Effect of Trade Liberalizations“
Young Economist Award:
Irene Iodice, Camille Reverdy for „Technical Standards and Sourcing Decisions“
Datum: 24.-25. Februar 2022
Venue: Online
Keynote Lecture: Natalie Chen (University of Warwick)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Zainab Iftikhar for „Spatial Inequality, Labor Market Frictions and Informality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo“ (with Douglas Amuli Ibale and Frederic Docquier)
Young Economist Award:
Haishi Li for „Multinational Production and Global Shock Propagation during the Great Recession“
Datum: 18.-19. Februar 2021
Venue: Online
Keynote Lecture:
Richard Baldwin (Graduate Institute, Geneva): Präsentation
The future of European Trade Relations after COVID-19’
Aufzeichnung Keynote+Policy Panel
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Piyush Panigrahi (UC Berkeley) for „Endogenous Spatial Production Networks: Quantitative Implications for Trade and Productivity
Young Economist Award:
Lei Li (U. Mannheim) for “ Skill-Biased Imports, Human Captial Accumulation and the Allocation of Talent
Datum: 5.-6. Dezember 2019
Venue: WIFO, Arsenal Objekt 20, 1030 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Peter Egger (ETH Zürich)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Jan Schymik for „Human Capitalists and the Global Division of Labor“
Young Economist Award:
Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg, Flora Lutz for „Sudden Stops and Reserve Accumulation in the Presence of Liquidity Risk“
Datum: 09.-10. November 2017
Venue: WU Wien, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Keynote Lecture:
Dennis Novy (Warwick University)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Dmitry Borisenko and Igor Pozdeev for “Monetary Policy and Currency Returns:the Foresight Saga”
Young Economist Award:
Jan Mellert for „Twin Ds and Credit to the Private Sector“
Presentations (Zip)
Datum: 01.-02- Dezember 2016
Venue: Universität Wien, Oskar-Morgensternplatz 1, 1090 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Wilhelm Kohler (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen)
Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Gaetano Alfredo Minerva for „The proximity-concentration trade-off with multiproduct multinational firms“
Young Economist Award:
Boris Georgiev for „Multi-product firms, markup adjustment and import competition“
Presentations (zip): Part1, Part2
Datum: 03.-04. Dezember 2015
Venue: WIFO, Arsenal Objekt 20, 1030 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Franz Hubert (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Harald Fadinger (With Juan Carluccio, Alejandro Cunat, Christian Fons-Rosen) for „Offshoring and skill-upgrading in French manufacturing: A Heckscher-Ohlin-Melitz view“
Young Economist Award:
Julian Hinz for „The view from space: Theory-based time-varying distances in the gravity model“
Johannes Boehm for „The Impact of Contract Enforcement Costs of Outsourcing and Aggregate Productivity“
Presentations (zip): Day1, Day2, Keynote, Award Winners & Policy Panel
Datum: 12.-13. Dezember 2014
Venue: WU Wien, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Elhanan Helpman (Harvard University)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Enrico Mallucci for „Domestic Debt and Sovereign Defaults“
Young Economist Award:
Lisandra Flach, Michael Irlacher for „Product versus Process: Innovation Strategies of Multi-Product Firms“
Presentations (zip)
Datum: 22. Februar 2013
Venue: OeNB, Otto-Wagner-Platz-3, 1090 Wien
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Fabrice Defever, Alejandro Riaño for “China’s Pure Exporter Subsidies”
Young Economist Award:
Sergey Nigai for “On Measuring the Welfare Gains from Trade under Consumer Heterogeneity“
Presentations (zip)
Datum: 13. April 2012
Venue: WU Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Alejandro Cunat, Holger Breinlich for “Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Firm Models: An Evaluation Using the Canada – US Free Trade Agreement”
Young Economist Award:
John Morrow, Swati Dhingra for “The Impact of Integration on Productivity and Welfare Distortions Under Monopolistic Competition “
Presentations (zip)
Datum: 10. Dezember 2010
Venue: WU Wien, Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Wien
Keynote Lecture: Oded Stark (University of Klagenfurt)
Call for Papers
2nd Call for Papers
Datum: 15.-16. Juli 2010
Venue: wiiw, Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Wien
Datum: 11. Dezember 2009
Keynote Lecture:
Call for Papers
Best Paper Award:
Alessia Camolmi, Harald Fadinger, Chiara Forlati for “ Trade Policy: Home Market Effect vs Terms of Trade Externality
Young Economist Award:
Cecilia Hornok for „Trade without Borders: Trade Effect of the 2004 EU Enlargement“
Datum: 12. Dezember 2008
Venue: WU Wien, Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Wien
Datum: 14. Dezember 2007
Call for Papers