FIW Lectures

55. FIW-Vorlesung Regionale Handelsabkommen: Was wissen wir und was fehlt uns noch?

  • Thu, 10. October 2024 09:30h
  • Stubenring 1, 1. Stock, Marmorsaal (Saal 1) - BMAW
  • Präsenz-Event (Deutsch)

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics and the FIW Research Centre International Economics invite you to the

55th FIW Lecture

“Regional trade agreements: What do we know and what are we still missing?”

Prof. Dr. Mario Larch (University of Bayreuth)

Welcome address: Dr. Manfred Schekulin (BMAW)
Co-presentation: Danai Budas, MA (Federation of Austrian Industries)
Discussion: Dr. Manfred Schekulin (BMAW)
Event language: German
Literature: FIW-Policy Brief No. 64 (will be published shortly)

Thursday, October 10, 2024, 9:30 a.m. (on time) to 10:30 a.m.
Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna, 1st floor, Marble Hall (Room I)

FIW Lectures is a series of events in which policy-relevant current research results from the field of international economics are presented and discussed in a practical way. Catering will be provided.

Registration required at